Resources for Reflection and Renewal

The High Holy Days, and the month of Elul leading up to them, is a time many Jews engage in personal preparation for this season of awe. For those of you who go in search of readings, experiences, and practices that make you more receptive to the holiness of the season and the possibility of teshuvah (renewal), we’ve compiled this list of readings, meditations and rituals you can explore to enrich or deepen your High Holy Days experience.

Many of these resources will be particularly helpful to folks who celebrate the High Holy Days at home, and join services remotely through the blessing of Zoom, or watch a livestream. Resources marked with an asterisk are particularly appropriate for those observing at home, especially the ideas for creating a sacred space in your home. Others show you how to do at home what we would typically do together: Tashlich, Rosh Hashanah seders, and activities designed to open you to the possibility of change and growth. We hope you enjoy them.

Resources that span the Yamim Nora’im (Days of Awe)

Music! High Holy Days Playlist

Making Space for Observing the High Holy Days @Home

One way to feel more connected when attending services remotely is to create a sacred space at home, away from where your everyday life takes place. Revelation and awe can find us anywhere, of course, but home, amid the dishes and the laundry, is not usually the place we expect to find them. Setting up a bit of sacred space at home can provide a refuge for reflection, questioning, contemplation and awe. Like the rabbis after the destruction of the Temple, we can create small holy spaces wherever we find ourselves, at home or in exile.

Prayerbooks, service booklets, and supplements

Elul & Teshuvah

Rosh Hashanah


Yom Kippur

Highlights from Past Kol HaLev High Holy Days Services and Celebrations