Kol HaLev uses the Reconstructionist High Holy Days prayer book, Mahzor Leyamim Norai’im: Prayerbook for the Days of Awe for our High Holy Days worship.
This comprehensive text is replete with insights, commentary, poetry, meditations, and more, all rooted in the traditional liturgy while also fully contemporary, a beautiful reflection of the Reconstructionist movement’s definition of Judaism as an “evolving religious civilization”.
Kol HaLev owns only a limited number of the hardback Reconstructionist mahzorim, which we like to reserve for use by guests. Kol HaLev members support this welcoming minhag (custom) by bringing their own copies of the mahzor with them to High Holy Days services.
Members can purchase Mahzor Leyamim Norai’im at a 40% discount from the Reconstructionist Press! To receive the discount, be sure to use the discount code Affiliate40% when you order.
- To order online: Visit readandrite.com/collections/reconstructionist-press, and choose Kol Haneshamah: Prayerbook for the Days of Awe (Mahzor Leyamim Nora’im)
- To order via email: Contact
- To order by phone: Call Melissa at (267) 627-5377