Make a donation

We are grateful for your support of Kol HaLev.

Every gift to our community of any amount and for any occasion is valued and appreciated.

At Kol HaLev, as at most synagogues, membership dues do not cover our expenses. So we rely upon the generosity of members and visitors to help us meet necessary costs like rent for our sacred space and office, our rabbi’s salary, costs associated with our youth, family and adult education programs, and the equipment cost and Zoom fees that allow us to host multi-access services.

Donations in honor or in memory of a loved one, in commemoration of a simcha or yahrzeit, or as an expression of appreciation for our community can be especially satisfying; not only do they support our community financially, they also strengthen our community by allowing us to share in one another’s lives.

donate by Check
  • Send your payment by U.S. mail to:
    Kol HaLev, 2245 Warrensville Center Rd., Suite 215, University Heights, OH 44118
  • Indicate what the check is for in the memo line! (If you’re paying for multiple things with one check, please include a note telling us the amount you’re paying for each thing.)

To make a donation by credit card or electronic bank transfer, visit our secure donation portal. There, you can

  • Donate to the General Fund, or or choose to direct your donation to one of our special funds. To choose a fund, click the blue “Add to Cart” button. A pop-up will appear in which you will indicate the amount of the donation and other information.
  • You can dedicate your donation in honor of someone, or in memory of (or in commemoration of the yahrzeit of) someone. On the pop-up which appears after you add a fund to your cart, there’s a space to enter this information as well as a space for notes.
  • You can make multiple donations at once. For each donation, just click “Add to cart” and fill in the fields on the pop up. When you check out, your total will include all the donations in your cart.
  • You can also purchase Pearls of Blessing, a member-curated collection of inspiring blessings which Rabbi Steve wrote for the thematic aliyot he includes in Shabbat services.
Go to the payment portal
Thank you for choosing to donate to Kol HaLev, a 501(c)3 charitable organization.

Do you need to make a payment, as well as a donation? Then you’ll need to use our online PaySimple portal. Learn more here.

about Our Funds

When you make a contribution to Kol HaLev at our payment portal or by check, you can choose to direct your donation to one of our designated funds:

  • The General Fund — The money General Fund pays salaries, rent, kiddush and office supplies, postage, and many other necessary expenses without which we couldn’t function. Donations to this fund are always especially welcome.
  • The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund — Donations to this fund allow Rabbi Steve to support the community in any of a number of ways. In the past, it has provided financial aid to members who couldn’t otherwise have attended our community Shabbaton; it has also been used to underwrite important co-sponsored programming and fund a trial run of a new program proposed by one of our committees.
  • The Hesed Fund — Kol HaLev’s approach to Hesed is that we provide Hesed support to our fellow members through the work of our own hands. But that’s not always possible, and the Hesed Fund was created after an unusual concentration of illnesses and deaths in a short time resulted in so many Hesed requests that our Hesed Helpers were unable to provide home-cooked meals for everyone. The mission of the Hesed Fund, then, is to make it possible for us to provide catered or pre-prepared food to members only in those rare moments when our community’s needs exceed our capacity.
  • The Leah Kamionkowski Strengthening Community Fund – This new fund honors the memory of Leah Kamionkowski and her many contributions over the decades to nearly every aspect of our community, including governance, religious practices and social and educational programming. In keeping with Leah’s own vision for Kol HaLev and for the funds Leah bequeathed to us, this fund is to be used for programs and efforts that strengthen our congregation and further develop the sense of community that was so important to her.