Spiritual Life

Our Spiritual Offerings

Kol HaLev offers services and other spiritual experiences multiple times each month.

Shabbat morning services: We hold regular Shabbat morning services at 10:30 a.m.  Our services reflect the spirit of Kol HaLev, with its blend of lay and professional leadership and the warm welcoming of guests. We use the Reconstructionist Kol Haneshamah siddur, which has Hebrew with full egalitarian translations, extensive transliterations, and a large selection of contemporary poetry and readings.

  • Torah Study and Shabbat morning services: On the first and third Shabbats of the month, our programming begins with multi-access Torah Study at 9:30, sometime led by community members and sometimes by Rabbi Steve. Shabbat morning services follow at 10:30, led by Rabbi Steve and sometimes co-led by a community member. (If you’re interested in leading or co-leading services, contact the Chair of the RPC Committee).
  • Musical service: The fourth Shabbat of each month is our musical Shabbat. In those services there’s more singing and fewer readings.
  • Alternative service: On the rare fifth Shabbat of each month. we hold an Alternative service, which varies from the traditional  Shabbat services in both structure and liturgy, making use of contemporary poetry and liturgy from Marcia Falk’s Book of Blessings and other sources, rather than the text of our siddur.
  • Member-led services: The services on the second Shabbat of each month are typically led by one or two of our talented, experienced member leaders, whose ranks include Jewish educators and rabbis.

Torah Study: On the first and third Shabbats of the month, the morning service is preceded by Torah Study, which begins at 9:30. These are led by Rabbi Steve and/or lay leaders, and often make use of outside readings which are included in the service hand-outs.  When there is no separate Torah Study scheduled, discussion of the parasha take place within the service.

Kabbalat Shabbat: In addition, we hold Kabbalat Shabbat services on the first and third Friday nights of each month and estra macharit services for holidays like Passover and Shavuout.

MIndful Jewish Practice:  Our Jewish mediation sessions on Sundays are a popular alternative path to spiritual experience. They’re typically led by member Nancy Rubel, an experienced therapist and mediation leader.

High Holy Days services:  We observe the High Holy Days with services on Selichot, Erev Rosh Hashanah, the first day of Rosh Hashanah (which, weather permitting, includes Tashlich), the second day of Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre (Erev Yom Kippur) and Yom Kippur (Yom Kippur services and learning opportunities typically run all day, ending with Neilah).

We welcome nonmember guests to share the High Holy Days with us as members for the months of Elul and Tishri. (Learn more about High Holy Days Membership here) Pre-registration is required.

Our High Holy Day prayerbook is the Reconstructionist Mahzor Leyamim Nora’im (Prayer Book for the Days of Awe). It is an inclusive, comprehensive volume for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services; one that is rooted in the traditional Hebrew liturgy, yet fully contemporary.  It can be purchased from the Reconstructionist Press.

Holiday services: In addition to the High Holy Days, we hold services for the major holidays in the Jewish calendar, including Passover, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah and Shavuot.

Prayer books: Both the Kol Haneshema Shabbat prayer book and the High Holy Days Mahzor Leyamim Nora’im can be purchased from the Reconstructionist Press.