Each fiscal year we hold an Annual Fundraising Campaign during December and January to raise funds needed to sustain our vibrant community. Your generous donations are what bridge the gap between dues and expenses.
We met our goal!
We are delighted to report that we have met our goal of raising just over $36,000 for the 2023-24 campaign! Todah rabah m’od to everyone who contributed.
As a community committed to the creative work, critical thinking, and collaborate responsibility for building the Kol HaLev experience, we have much to be proud of. Members’ active participation in ensuring our financial stability, each according to their ability, is one way that commitment manifests. Thanks to all for your fortifying donations, and for the many other ways you nourish our community as well.
The need for sustaining contributions is an ongoing one.
If you’d like to discuss future giving opportunities – including ways your own gifts may help encourage others to give – please email us at .