High Holy Days Information for Kol HaLev Members, 2024 / 5785

Shana tova, Kol HaLev members!

Your High Holy Days registration and information packets are being prepared, and should arrive in both your mail and email mailboxes around September 12. In addition, everything you need to know to register will be downloadable from this website around September 10.

Services & Programs

As has become our new custom, we’ll be holding High Holy Days services and programs in person AND offering virtual options for nearly all of our seasonal offerings.


Registration is required, so that we have the information we need to plan adequately for our volunteer and technology needs, and can create a welcoming, safe and festive experience for everyone.

Once again, registration is entirely online. We’ve made it easy to register, and we’re here to help if you need it. Don’t use a computer? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. See your member registration packet for more information, including how to get registration help.

Got guests?

Members can also invite nonmember guests at no cost. Please see your member registration packets for more information for how to register guests.  You can also send your friends to our High Holy Days guest information page.

Let them know about our Immersive Holiday Membership option. A flier with info on this special opportunity will be in your member packets, as well as in our separate guest registration packets, which will also be coming soon to this webpage.

The famous Kol HaLev Festive Rosh Hashanah Potluck!

We will once again be sharing a festive potluck meal following services on Rosh Hashanah Day 1! Bring a taste of your own cooking to share, and come gather with your Kol HaLev community for a celebratory nosh and schmooze. Potluck assignments by last name will be in your registration packets.


As with everything we do, it’s Kol HaLev members that co-create our amazing High Holy Days experience, from service leadership to greeting folks at the door, and everything in between. Your help ensures we offer a smooth and meaningful holiday for all. You can see all the opportunities in your registration packet; please sign up!

We look forward to celebrating with you soon!